
Invention Convention Is for You

Prepare students for the needs of the 21st-century workforce. Create critical thinkers and problem solvers. Empower a new generation of innovators

You Can Be An Inventor

Student Inventors

Invention Convention is all about you. Learn what you can accomplish when you set out to help shape a better future, and discover your potential along the way.

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Provide Help, Guidance and Support


Have fun identifying problems together during daily life. Once your child is thinking about a solution, help them to research solutions that already exist.

Get Involved Together

Advancing Invention Education


Support educators with flexible, project-based curriculum, professional development, competitions and events

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Introduce Invention Convention


Implement Invention Convention in your classroom with our free project-based curriculum that taps into students' abilities to identify problems and create meaningful solutions.

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How Can We Help You to Get Involved?

Invention Convention Worldwide

Where innovators, inventors and entrepreneurs get their start.


Invention Convention
is for You

Empower a new generation of innovators.


Bringing Young Innovators Together

Winning inventors and entrepreneurs are invited to compete at these prestigious, high-profile annual events.
