Field Trip
Scholarship FAQs

Please email, if you need further assistance.

Who is eligible for a field trip scholarship?

These scholarships are available to all public, parochial or independent schools.

What is the criteria to be considered for a scholarship?

We are prioritizing schools that haven't visited with us since we restarted the program in 2021. We are also using our Innovation Atlas, which shows how many barriers your school/school district has to innovation, and prioritizing those with the most barriers to innovation. Sign up for a free inHub account to access the Innovation Atlas and learn more about this new initiative.

How do I apply?

Schools must submit scholarship application via Reserve Your Field Trip Spot at The Henry Ford. If you do not receive a case ID number, please resubmit your application. You will hear back from our team if we need any information from you. If you need to change your date or any information, please email us at

We must have a specific date of your visit to complete your application. If you need to change the date, you may do so as long as the date remains within the time period in which you originally applied.

What is the deadline to apply?

2024-2025 Applications will open in June 2024. Please review the deadlines below.


June 30, 2024Application deadline for trips in September & October 2024
September 1, 2024
Application deadline for trips in November & December 2024
November 3, 2024
Application deadline for trips in January & February 2025
January 5, 2025
Application deadline for trips in March & April 2025
March 2, 2025
Application deadline for trips in May & June 2025


What are my responsibilities?

Teacher applicants must complete and return the feedback survey upon completion of their field trip.
Failure to complete the survey could affect future scholarship eligibility.


Note: Your feedback helps us improve our programs and secure continued scholarship funding.

Can I apply for both admission and transportation reimbursement scholarships?

Yes, simply check the boxes for Admission and Transportation Reimbursement Scholarships on the application form.

Do I need to submit a Principal Letter?

A principal letter is no longer required for acceptance of a scholarship. We have transitioned to using Innovation Atlas which is an interactive custom mapping tool, or geographic information system (GIS), of the United States that visualizes the education and socioeconomic barriers impacting innovation.

Does The Henry Ford provide the buses?

No. The scholarship provides reimbursement for transportation as stated on the application form. The school is responsible for reserving field trip transportation and making payments.

When will I receive my check for the buses?

Transportation reimbursement checks are mailed after your field trip. It is your responsibility to secure your own buses. If you are awarded the transportation scholarship, you will receive a reimbursement check within five weeks of your date of visit.

When will I be notified about acceptance?

Applications will be reviewed immediately after each deadline. You will be notified of the decision within three weeks of the deadline.

What if my student count changes?

Please be as accurate as possible when estimating how many students and adults will participate in the field trip. This will allow your classroom and other students in need of admission assistance to have a field trip this school year. Once you are awarded the admission scholarship, we understand your student and adult chaperone count may fluctuate.

  • If your student and adult chaperone counts increase, the additional ticket costs must be covered by the school.
  • If your student and adult chaperone counts decrease, this will be reflected in your scholarship award.
  • Please email the Scholarship Committee ( at least 24 hours prior to your visit with the most current participation counts.

How do I pick up my tickets?

Tickets can only be picked up at Group Check In on the day of your visit. Tickets CANNOT be picked up in advance.

What season and days are best to come to The Henry Ford?

The spring season is The Henry Ford’s busiest time for school groups; during the week, Thursdays and Fridays are the most popular. We recommend Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday field trips when possible

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