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Recognizing Excellence in Innovation and Invention Education Teachers

  • July 24, 2024

Since 2015, The Henry Ford has recognized America's most innovative educators with The Henry Ford’s Innovation Nation Teacher Innovator Awards, presented by RTX. These awards are designed to recognize teachers who inspire students in their classrooms through innovation and invention education. Now with a newly revamped format for the program, we're pleased to recognize and introduce the 2024 Teacher Innovator Award winners, presented by RTX.

inHub National Teacher of the Year: Michael Craig

Michael Craig is a special education teacher and horticulture program instructor at the Charles R. Drew Transition Center, part of the Detroit Public School Community District. In this role, which he has held since 2012, Craig empowers young adult learners ages 18-26 through special education classes in horticulture to become active members of society. For over a decade, Michael has refined his craft, creating innovative ways to teach his classes and provide meaningful experiences for his students.

In 2023, Craig was awarded the American Horticultural Society’s Great American Gardener Jane L. Taylor Award. This prestigious honor recognizes someone who inspires and nurtures future horticulturists through efforts in children’s and youth gardening. He also was recognized as a National School Board Association Grand Prize Magna Award winner in 2021, which honors exceptional and innovative programs designed to foster student growth in STEAM fields. These awards, among numerous other accolades, are a testament to Craig’s passion and dedication to providing innovative teaching experiences for his students.

To be considered for the inHub National Teacher of the Year Award, applicants must be part of the inHub community for at least 90 days at the time of applying. Craig, who has 28 years of teaching experience and joined inHub in November of 2023 said, “Winning the award, I was honored. I feel that it kind of validates what I do with my special needs students every day.”

inHub International Teacher of the Year: Josefina Rangel Castorena

Josefina Rangel Castorena currently teaches at the Jardines de Echeveste high school in Mexico City, Mexico, where she teaches a wide range of courses to her students including English I and II, accounting, finance and administration, personal finance and time administration, and an entrepreneurial projects workshop. Castorena has been teaching for 25 years and in recent years has guided her students through Mexico Inventa, an invention education program empowering the next generation of students in Mexico with the skills they need to become the inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

In 2020, Castorena was awarded the PRESEA SABES award, which recognizes outstanding and highly meritorious achievements in various domains, including academia, business, science and technology, social impact, arts, culture, and sports.

To be considered for the inHub International Teacher of the Year award, educators had to be nominated by Mexico Inventa, the international affiliate for ICW. Castorena was nominated by Gilberto Pineda Alanis, Chief Commercial Officer for Didaktron and program affiliate of Mexico Inventa. Alanis noted that, “She has been recognized as a champion of the program at SABES, the second-largest high school system in Gunajuato… Josefina also conveys passion when sharing her students’ invention stories.”

Invention Convention Teacher of the Year: Doug Scott

Doug Scott is well-known in the invention education (IE) space, having first been introduced to IE in 2012 when he was recruited to coach a Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam all the way to the White House Science Fair (2014), which ultimately resulted in a U.S. utility patent (2015). Since then, he’s worked to infuse invention education into classroom experiences for his students.

As a teacher at Hopkinton High School, he encourages students to get involved with Invention Convention through both in-classroom and afterschool programs. Many have taken part in his Invention Convention club for the past several years and some have advanced to the U.S. Nationals and Americas competitions. In fact, in 2023, his students earned the coveted Most Innovative Award, presented by RTX at RTX Invention Convention U.S. Nationals for their invention, Dawsonite Diver.

To be considered for the Invention Convention Teacher of the Year award, educators had to be nominated by an ICW affiliate. Doug was nominated by Pascha Griffiths Ph.D., an invention education specialist,co-creator of InventionLIT, and program manager of the ICW Independent Inventor Program. According to Griffiths, “Doug is one of the best Invention Educators in the country.” His passion for invention education and providing students with independence and autonomy in their learning while allowing them space to make mistakes has contributed to their success as inventors, and has built their confidence and a sense of accomplishment that is transferable to all facets of their lives.

We are honored to present these awards to such deserving educators. Their enthusiasm and passion for innovation in the classroom, as well as for inspiring the inventive spirit amongst their students, is truly amazing and we could not be prouder to have these educators as part of the inHub and Invention Convention Worldwide community.

To learn more about the Teacher Innovator Awards, please visit https://inhub.thehenryford.org/professional-development/teacher-innovator-awards.

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